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Is Artificial Intelligence a Force for Good or Evil?

There is an urgent need to focus on research that maximises the societal benefits of AI and aligns with humanity’s best interests.

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How can regulation prevent artificial intelligence (AI) being misused?

The EU has now proposed an Artificial Intelligence Act to ensure there is regulated control of AI. But will the UK follow suit?
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MatchGPT®: The world’s first AI for matching as a service in the Fintech industry worldwide

MatchGPT®, developed using Finnovating Platform's proprietary and exclusive data along with OpenAI and AI-owned algorithms, boasts over 20 million interactions among 100,000 tech companies across ...
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Deutsche Bank analysts argue AI is a job creator not a destroyer

Industry experts have contested that AI will create more jobs than it destroys as Deutsche Bank analysts Henry Allen and Jim Reid look at long-term unemployment data ...
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It is easy to see why, in the context of the UK, such a law may be needed. Of the more than 460,000 Suspicious Activity Reports sent by UK banks to the UK Financial Intelligence Unit in recent years for suspicious transactions, the government’s Law Commission concluded that many were of “low-quality” and that many banks had a poor understanding of their reporting obligations, reporting less to assist the authorities than to avoid a law suit.


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