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New Investment into leading tech firm Stellar Omada

BGF, backed by Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, NatWest and Standard Chartered, completed a £4.5m investment into the Edinburgh-headquartered Stellar Omada

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Google Search Dominance Not Dependent On Data, VP testifies

The Justice Department and 38 states and territories are suing Google for suppressing competition in online search, using data and bribes, but there's a hitch ...
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Back to School Fraud is Anything but Uniform

The back-to-school season presents a prime opportunity for online fraudsters, writes Matt DeLauro, Chief Revenue Officer at SEON.
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Why Banks and Fintechs need Sprints as a Service with András Berczeli

In July 2015 the first FinTech Meetup took place in Budapest. Today the group has ...
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With the help of technology, fraudsters’ arsenal has become more sophisticated over the years. Fortunately, so have the tools of fraud fighters. SEON has risen to rank among the most successful Hungarian startups by providing fraud prevention solutions to a wide range of businesses. Tamas Kadar, co-founder and CEO of the company, explained to us what underlying dangers digitisation brings, and how leveraging Big Data can help us take on a new generation of fraudsters.
“The newest technology of the future won’t be able to tell that you are using an exotic protocol. A lot of companies are afraid of attacks, and for them so they wouldn’t want to advertise necessarily that their network has an exotic protocol. Our VPN means that from the outside companies can remain incognito and nobody can tell if they are protected by anything other than standard cryptography.”
FaceBook’s recent ‘unfriending’ of Australia, as prime minister Scott Morrison put it, is an ongoing, high-profile example of the high-stakes arena, while the UK is to shortly launch a Digital Markets Unit to (in the government’s words) ‘introduce and enforce a new code to govern the behaviour of platforms that currently dominate the market, such as Google and Facebook’.
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