The International Securities & Commodities Alerts Network (I-SCAN) is a unique global system to warn investors of suspicious company activity
IOSCO/MR/07/2025 – Madrid, 20 March 2025 – IOSCO is pleased to introduce its new investors alerts portal, a dedicated platform to help combat investment fraud globally.
The International Securities & Commodities Alerts Network (I-SCAN) is a unique global warning system where any investor, online service provider, bank or institution can check if a suspicious activity has been flagged for a particular company by financial regulators worldwide.
The introduction of I-SCAN forms part of IOSCO’s Roadmap for Retail Investor Online Safety, an initiative which was launched in November last year and which has five waves of activity.
Four Consultation Reports have already been published addressing Finfluencers, Copy Trading, Digital Engagement Practices and Neo-Brokers. The launch of I-SCAN marks the latest activity under Wave Two of this campaign.
The rapid growth of investment fraud shows no sign of abating. With billions being lost every year because of fraudulent activity or misleading statements, the need for due diligence when making investment decisions has never been greater.
I-SCAN enables investors and stakeholders to identify – in one place – firms or potential investments that have been reported as unlicensed or as a scam in their country or elsewhere in the world, potentially saving them from fraud.
Financial regulators will submit alerts directly to I-SCAN making information available to all users and investors – anywhere in the world.
Rodrigo Buenaventura, Secretary General of IOSCO, said: “Our new centralized hub, which will bring together alerts from over 150 regulators worldwide, is a critical enabler of IOSCO’s objective to enhance investor protection. I-SCAN will help our members in their enforcement activities and online service providers in addressing online harm for the protection of retail investors.”
Derville Rowland, Chair of the Retail Investor Coordination Group tasked with overseeing this work at IOSCO, added: “I am delighted to see the launch of I-SCAN, which is the latest initiative in our campaign to improve retail investor online safety. With frauds and scams continuing to be on the rise, it’s so important for investors to double-check their investment. I-SCAN is an essential step in any financial decision.”